Saturday, December 13, 2008

Last Minute Gifts

For those of you spending all your time on Digg, here is a great way to buy last minute gifts right from your comupter. Between Digg that is....

Monday, December 8, 2008

How to Add Friend Connect to Blogger

Adding Google Friend Connect to Blogger blogs is insanely easy, we all probably over thought it. Watch the video, the add Friend Connect to Blogger in about two seconds.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Social Marketing Conference, San Diego

Social Marketing Skills don't come cheap but this social marketing conference will bury your Christmas competition before they know what hit them but won't empty your wallet!

Chris Lang and 5 more social marketing experts will be revealing
their insider social marketing secrets December 5th in San Diego for a price that is just in time to double your social networking arsenal to give you that little extra edge over your competition.

I will be doing a case study of how I took the worst site possible from no where to top Google rankings in just three weeks with my Wicked tactics.

Can even Chris Lang do this? Of course he can, Chris Lang is back.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Digg Analytics Tools, Tips and Digg Utilities

Today I have a blog post that is on just one part of the New Digg Analytics tools.

Five professional videos, all short and to the point on how you can easily and quickly create an absolutely sick Digg profile in 30 days with only 30 minutes of your time a day.

Actually this is a web app so there is no software to install. This kind of browser based software is where the web is headed so take a look at each of the short videos. If anything it will give you valuable insight into how the Digg top 100 got where they are.

My insider information tells me they have even more unbelievable custom software than this, but for us this is as good as it gets and it is an unbelievable deal and I am not even an affiliate.

By the way there is a new affiliate program up for this site and it is based on whom I also happen to love. Do yourself a favor and get Digging with this extreme time saver.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Be Careful Who You Take Advice From

The Internet is a dangerous place filled with smart people who write totally bullshit articles, so be careful who you take advice from

Case in point: Google gets search results very badly wrong.

This person thinks they are calling Google out by catching a result in search that should have never been there. Instead they are just showing their ignorance.

Look the the above link, (it's a short one) then read my response below.

Chris Lang says...

What you have done is produce a theory from unfounded information. You do not understand what has happened here and you did not look into it enough either.

It's OK I have done this too. But if I can, let me point out your mistakes in thinking this through.

#1 Since the post is from 10-12-2007 it has accrued pagerank over time, hence it will outrank other pages.

The Digg post is a PageRank 0 page, all the others are news items, since they are only a day or so old they have a greyed out page rank.

#2 Next you mention it has only 7 links. At the time you published your blog post the news articles were only hours old so they had NO links.

7 links is more than 0 links.

You also have to take into account the quality of the links, not all links are created equal.

#3 The news articles are few hours old and may have 100s of links but none of those pages have any incoming links or any PageRank either since no one has linked to them.

It is also important to note that PageRank has nothing to do with the rankings you will receive in Google results. It is however a visual indicator of a documents quality, it's incoming link's quality and it's power to rank well in the search engines.

Hope this clarifies why this link is here. Search engine results are not always fair.

It they were you and I would always be top ten under every keyword.

Cheers - Chris Lang

Be careful out the guys, the internet is a dangerous place filled with disinformation.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Google Rolls Out Friend Connect on Blogger

Google Friend Connect
released on Blogger,

but still trying to fly under our
Googling Social radar...

Google instead of Friend Connect
calls it Following on Blogger.

You can try out Friend Connect right now if you have a Google profile in the widget in the upper right hand corner of this blog under the heading "Followers" by clicking the join button. Confirm your join request and here you can enroll in Friend Connect if you do not already have a Google Social profile.

Next, click one of the avatars of those who have already joined and add the person as a friend and send them an introductory blurb.

The next screen you will see is their Google profile, links to their social networks and their Google Reader shared items. This is Google's social bookmarking application.

NOTE: All these links open in a new tab so you will not lose this page.

Here is the lowdown on the rest of the Google Social Network and Bookmarking application.

Here is JohnT's blog post from July 28 when he predicted Google Going Social before I was even talking about it publicly.

Here are two sites you can play with Google Friend Connect on, just one part of the Google Social Network: Googling Social.

Social networks might actually be semi-anti-social

Google Friend Connect for Blogger Users

How to add the Friend Connect widget to Blogger.

For those of you who do not know how to use Google Social, called Googling Social, I have instructions to create a Google profile, add friends to from Gmail and get started with Google Reader which is Google's social bookmarking application.

Currently, the links to get to the pieces of Googling Social are hard to find so the best starting point is someone elses Google profile, so here is mine with a link to my Wickedly Evil Social Marketing Blog where you can find instructions to making friends in Gmail and Google Reader.

Chris Lang's Google Profile. Chris Lang's Social Marketing Blog

Look in the upper right hand corner of the page, the link is "my profile" and it is right behind your gmail address.

Word of warning, the Gmail address that you are logged into will be your public Gmail address in Google Reader and how you make friends thru Gmail. So if you do not want that Gmail address to be public, choose one that you want to use.

You only get one Google profile no matter how many Gmail addresses you have, so choose wisely.

If you have any questions you can email me from my contact page on my site. Also if you want to add me as a friend in Google Reader, send me an email at chrislang[at]gmail[dot]com.

Obfuscations in the address are used to fool spam bots that harvest addresses so just replace the monikers with the appropriate email characters.

Cheers! = Chris Lang and JohnT from the driveway and the inaugural Indiggnation driveway cast.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Google Social Bookmarking Is Here

Google social bookmarking has quietly been released within Google reader.

You can share blog posts.

You can bookmark single posts from feeds you are not following.

Add friends and share items thru Google Reader.

What no one else seems to have caught is that Google Reader will suggest other blogs for you to follow based on your friends reading and sharing habits.

More on Google Social Bookmarking here...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Worlds Largest Digger

Worlds Largest Digger banned for Digging Too Much

One of my clients got a little carried away and Dugg too many articles. Yeah, that's right, too many Diggs. Digg immediately banned the account and sent this email from Digg.

Greetings from,

Your account has been banned under suspicion of using a bot/script/macro to Digg stories, which is explicitly against the Terms of Service ( you agreed to.

Over a period of 24 hours you Dugg 4000+ stories which is not indicative of organic Digg usage and determined that there is no way you would have been able to actually read the stories you Dugg in the time-frame.

Thank you for understanding as we must be vigilant in protecting against activities that compromise the Digg Community.

--Digg Support

I know this guy and I know that he did not use any automated software. He is simply "The worlds largest Digger." Not to be missed but also the owner of "The Worlds Largest Shout"

While I definitely recommend participating highly in Digg, do not just rip through results blindly Digging everything in your path.

I told my client that you have to submit good articles and comment intelligently for your Digg profile to prosper. Nobody listened and look what happens. Blindly Digging will just bring you up on the radar and you are NOT guaranteed your day in court with Digg.

Digg has so much spam and spam activities that if you brush up against the wrong side of Digg's TOS you are thru.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pale Donkey Launched, Pale Donkey Riders Beware

A few of my frineds have just launched pale donkey, a blog dedicated to catching your drunken buddies in the act of hooking up with a pale donkey.

A pale donkey is the girl (or guy) that in a drunken desparate moment you may have made a huge mistake with.

Beware, now your pale donkey moments can be detailed forever! These guys accept camera phone pics and videos submitted to their number and they publish them as a blog post the next morning.

So the next time your pale donkey riding drunken buddy has the beer goggles on get that pic and it will live a life of it's own.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Get More Diggs and Why This Blogger Did Not

Social bookmarking can help your blog's rankings in so many ways. But I have come to believe that so many have tried how to get more Diggs and after doing it wrong have given up.

However, think about this: If Digg has 5 million users and the average number of posts, from the Digg top 100 to the user who no longer participates is 1 post per day, that is 5 million posts.

How can you possibly expect that Google will see your 1 link in Digg in 5 million others as a backlink to your site. In fact if you submit your site to Digg and no one else Diggs it, I have come to feel that is a negative indicator in Google’s eyes. The worst thing you can do is submit your Digg posts yourself and then get no Diggs.

One of my friends on Social Marketing Central wrote an article that went hot on the Internet. He got like 1500 visitors in a few days and 80 comments. The bad news is that he only got 18 Diggs. Now tell me this: Don’t you think that Google, that has access to the popularity of posts on Digg just like we do, would not see 1500 visitors and 18 Diggs a negative indicator of this blog and the blog post itself?

I can easily get 100 to 200 Diggs for any article I want in Digg in 2 days. I do that through my own strategies and participation.

So social bookmarking if done wrong can actually hurt you. Social marketing is about being social, so be social on social bookmarking sites, don’t just submit you own content and expect that this will bring you results.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Paris Hilton to Wed Benji

I ran across this Paris Hilton parody in one of my forums.

What amazed me was that an unranked new blog managed to rank at all under Paris Hilton in Google blogsearch and managed to stay #3 or #4 for 24 hours.

As far as I can tell this is a new blog and not themed with any Paris Hilton content previously. It amazes me how Google ranks left field blogs highly under highly searched terms like Paris Hilton.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Friend Connect to Connect all your Friends

Google may roll out Friend Connect sometime Monday. Don't be surprised if the link is not found, it was a 404 when I wrote this.

If it is going to look like MyBlogLog (it is) I an uninterested.

I will not be adding any thumbnails of my friends in a JavaScript widget to my side bar. Give me some real functionality and I may be interested.

Also the article, Friend Connect Connects What? Google to Connect Friends poses allot of questions we probably all have in the backs of our minds about real functionality.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

John McGowan Sends World's Largest Shout! Digg Fans Go Crazy

OK, so you may know that I do not aggree with the way most people are on Digg just to either send "World's Larget Ball of Spit Found" type shouts all day long.

Well I just got sick of seeing this kind of crap in my inbox all day long so I decided to make a statement by submitting over 500 pages of the "World's Largest Digg" with over 500 links of absolute crap to Digg.

Another Digg user decided that that was so funny he decided to create the "World's Largest Digg Shout" and here it is.....

He is #1 on Google blogsearch for "Worlds Largest Shout."

Another Digg user, Ashmadai, has sent you a shout.

"Please Digg these and share them with your friends. All you need to do is copy the shout and paste it into your shouts and pass it on."


What animal has the world's largest eyes?
The Atlantic giant squid lays claim to having the world's largest eyes which measure about 25 centimeters or 10 inches in diameter, about the size of a volleyball.

Now that is funny. He apparently couldn't fit all 500 links I submitted into the World's Largets Digg Shout but he sure tried!

Monday, April 28, 2008

How to Get More Diggs and Why not to Shout Your Own Digg Items

If you are trying to get more Diggs by shouting your own items you are killing your search engine rankings.

I just spent an entire week analyzing how to get more Diggs, not be a Digg spammer and why not to shout your own Digg items and it is very suprising what I found out.

I started out with a simple article on how to get a few more Diggs.

Then I began to see how submitting your own articles could hurt your search engine rankings. Also you should not be Digging your own items either. We all pretty much agree on that.

What I began to notice though is that when you shout items to your friends list Digg shows the items you shouted in your history tab, even though you are logged out. In other words, it is in your public profile for all to see.

This means it is in your profile where Google can see it too. If submitting your own articles over and over to Digg creates numerous entries in your public profile where search engine spiders can see them, why do numerous shouts all leading to the same URL not do the same thing?

In my testing, (and it was a deep test) I have a well supported theory that this is all true. I have chronicled the entire process with 20 different screen shots of what I have analyzed and it is all right here on my main blog.

How to get more diggs, a Digg privacy breach and why you should not be shouting your own Digg items.

Of course I welcome your comments here and on my main blog.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How to get More Diggs

How to get more Diggs is the concern of every Digg user.

But there is some concern on how to actully do this.

The social marketing blog at KeyWebData has been on fire lately analyzing exactly how Digg works and how not to appear to be spamming Digg by Google.

The number most inportant things Chris Lang has explained here are:

Do not submit your own items.

Do not Digg you own items.

And the number one concern is whether or not shouting your own items to your friends list hurts you Google ranking.

Read the full post on How to Get More Diggs and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Google Really Ranks Blogs

If you think you know how Google ranks blogs you are wrong unless your name is Andy Beard

Since RSS is such a part of blogging I think it would be wise to talk about how Google really ranks blogs and blog seo. Blogs are not static websites and Google does not rank them the same and rarely even lists them in what we call organic results. Google actually segregates blogs to Google Blogsearch.

There are 5 of 6 things that determine how your blog is ranked by Google.

The number of subscribers you have in Google Reader.

The number of blogrolls you are in and the quality of the blogs in those blogrolls.

How many times your Google search engine listing is clicked.

Social bookmarketing posts and the number of times you are Dugg ect.

The number of times your URL appears in conversations, think Gmail.

Google adds all this up and then decides how to rank your blog. If you are doing well in their eyes you will begin to appear in organic results.

I hope this article and the links above give you some insight into how Google looks at your blog.

= Chris Lang

Thursday, March 6, 2008

This ain’t new but it may be to you. It you are not using WordPress to create your blog you are missing the essence of the web.

If you do not know how to install WordPress on your site I will do a FREE install for you! It is that powerful and I want to share it with you. WordPress has changed the way I see the internet and I have been here or EIGHT YEARS!

I am a programmer and I even wrote my own blogging software. Then I realized that I was reinventing the wheel and that wheel was WordPress. RSS is the core of Wordpress. If you blog at all you should have Wordpress installed as your blogging software!!
If you cannot understand how to install WordPress on your site I will do it free of charge as one of my subscribers!

WordPress is here.

Do not sign up to as you want to install wordPress to your site and get all the benefits of a standalone blog at your domain.

Your visitors see your AdSense, your ads, your site theme, your advertising, your branding with your site logos! My subscribers may not always agree with my opinions (and you know who you are) but they know who I am, agree or not and that is worth everything!!! Just email me or call me from my “contact chris” page and I will help you in any way I can.